Duffy's Dough Sourdough Starter & Essentials Kit- Autographed by Patrick Duffy & Linda Purl!!!

Original Price: $80.00
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From Patrick Duffy…

“Some of our happiest memories in life have happened in kitchens full of family and friends, Now, we hope to not only share those moments in real time but also inspire people to create their own good times. Out of an abundance of gratitude for the good fortune we have experienced in our lives, we are very excited to be on an adventure to proactively cultivate joy.

Sharing life with my partner, the amazing Linda Purl(!), I would make rolls, etc. for dinners that we would host. Armed anew with guests’ reactions, also inspirations from family friend and entrepreneur, Lance Stuart, our imaginations were ignited. We began to flesh out the notion of taking this germ of an idea commercial… but only if it maintained the concept of sharing between friends and contributing to the general well-being of people.

We continued to take rolls and breads to friend’s homes whenever we went for dinners. One of those dinners was at Steve and Christy Kaczmarek’s. The conversation flowed, Linda and I pitched the idea of creating a business to be called Duffy’s Dough. Central to the idea would be that, in time, Duffy’s Dough would be able to support causes we believe in. Those include world hunger, education and the environment. Steve, with his incredible business acumen, began to make the possibilities of starting a homemade sourdough starter company real and together we started, in earnest, on the journey of Duffy’s Dough as an entity.

All of this progress continually returns to the simple reality of coming downstairs in the morning and being welcomed by that amazing odor of the starter brimming with new life. The rest of the procedure is my meditation of gratitude as I mix the new batch of batter, knead the dough, and see it rise and blossom. There is no match for the smell of rolls in the oven and the taste of one fresh out with a dollop of butter (and maybe a cup of coffee). And to do this with family and friends, and strangers alike, gives us the real window of hope and possibility for everything human.”


Dehydrated Sourdough Starter & Essentials Kit

Ready to enjoy delicious homemade sourdough baked goods? Look no further. Here’s just what you knead!



  • Duffy Dough Dehydrated Starter
  • Flour
  • Sugar


  • French Rolling Pin
  • Measuring Spoons & Cups
  • Pot Holder
  • Scraper
  • Apron
  • Recipe Book


Note: Dry sourdough starter is made by dehydrating a portion of an active and healthy sourdough starter. When we dry our starter, we do so on a very low “living foods” setting. This approach preserves the beneficial lactic acid bacteria and wild yeasts that are within the starter. Bacteria and wild yeasts are responsible for making a sourdough starter bubble, and sourdough bread rise. Don’t worry: the dry starter is still very much alive! It is simply in a dormant state and waiting for you to reactivate it.

Contains: Wheat, Sugar